15.6. – 8.9. 2019
Výklady AXA, Palace AXA, Na Poříčí 40, Prague 1
Kurátorka: Iva Mladičová
15.6. – 8.9. 2019
Výklady AXA, Palace AXA, Na Poříčí 40, Prague 1
Kurátorka: Iva Mladičová
The collection of artworks by Karel Přáda displayed at Showcase AXA can be characterized by vivid imagination, playful composition and life colours. Some of the exhibited works draw inspiration from the artist’s stay in France in 2006, from the time of his studies at the Prague’s Academy of Fine Arts. Those are spontaneous relief drawings on a pure white plaster background. Karel Přáda often draws his artistic inspiration from the world of nature. As early as in his final sculpture collection at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, he endeavoured to portray the world of harmony, and nature as a source of positive creative forces. The collection exhibited at Showcase AXA includes an object emerging from a mirror image of a natural motif on water surface. Despite the immediate intelligibility of the theme, the eventual shape is quite complex and cannot be read in a simple way. In several of his reliefs which are displayed, Přáda refers to the haptic level of the viewer’s perception, thematizing the principle of play. The phenomenon of play also includes free action, a sense of the play itself, order, rhythm and harmony, among others. The newest relief artworks of the artist based on multifarious composition variability of a simple geometric shape have also been included in the exhibition. In Přáda’s oeuvre, we can generally perceive his interest in Cy Twombly’s sculptural objects; the biomorphic nature of works by Hans Arp or Isamu Noguchi; Paul Klee’s playful simplicity of watercolours; or the vivid colours of Antoni Gaudí’s mosaic surfaces.
Vernissage: 14th June, 6 P.M.
15th June – 8th September 2019
Showcase AXA, Palace AXA, Na Poříčí 40, Prague 1
Curator of the exhibition: Iva Mladičová
…KAREL PŘÁDA (*1980, Dačice, Czech Rep.) studied at the School of Applied Arts in Jablonec nad Nisou between 1994–1998 and the School of Stonecutting and Sculpture in Hořice between 1998–2001. He pursued his studies of sculpture at the Academy…